- 中文:內疚
- 拼音:nèi jiù
- 注音:ㄋㄟˋ ㄐ|ㄡˋ
- 英文翻譯:guilt;the worm of conscience
- 例句1:他毫無羞恥之心,而且從不覺得內疚。
- 翻譯1:He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.
- 例句2:儘管他說自己沒做過錯事,但他臉上卻顯出內疚的神情。
- 翻譯2:His face showed guilt, though he said he had done nothing wrong.
- 例句3:不自主的防衛行為把某人自己的態度、感覺或欲望歸因到某人或某事上,以此作為與焦慮或內疚相對抗的幼稚或不自覺的反抗
- 翻譯3:The attribution of one's own attitudes, feelings, or desires to someone or something as a naive or unconscious defense against anxiety or guilt.
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