- 中文:軛
- 拼音:è
- 注音:ㄜˋ
- 資訊:國標碼:E9EE 部首:車 筆劃:8 筆順:15211355
- 英文翻譯:yoke;restrain
- 例句1:軛,脖圍圍置在動物頸上的皮質、金屬或塑膠制的以便限制和認領用的帶
- 翻譯1:A restraining or identifying band of leather, metal, or plastic put around the neck of an animal.
- 例句2:同軛車的動物通過軛連在一起的一對載物動物,如公牛
- 翻譯2:A pair of draft animals, such as oxen, joined by a yoke.
- 例句3:農夫正在用軛把牛套到犁上。
- 翻譯3:The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.
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