- 中文:鞭
- 拼音:biān
- 注音:ㄅ|ㄢ
- 資訊:國標碼:B1DE 部首:革 筆劃:18 筆順:122125112321251134
- 英文翻譯:a whip or lash;to flog;slash or whip
- 例句1:那個罪犯找到後就要挨鞭子抽打。
- 翻譯1:The culprit will be whipped when he is found.
- 例句2:馬戲團主管把鞭子抽得很響。
- 翻譯2:The circus manager snapped his whip.
- 例句3:他用鞭子輕輕抽馬。
- 翻譯3:He flicked the horse with his whip/flicked his whip at the horse.
a | b | c | d | e |
f | g | h | j | k |
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x | y | z | 無 |