Elements 圓方【動態互動 倍添節日樂趣】
Elements 圓方【動態互動 倍添節日樂趣】
為佳節留下美好回憶!ELEMENTS 圓方新春藝術裝置設有互動拍照區,讓你拍攝以農曆新年或情人節為主題的動態相片,快來分享節日喜悅。
【Interactive Fun at ELEMENTS!】
Relive the fond memories of your delightful festive celebrations! An interactive photo booth is now set up in our Chinese New Year installation where you can select festive photo frames to dress up your very own motion photo!
Exhibition period: From now till 19 February, 2019
Venue: 1/F Metal Zone
條款及細則: 優惠如有更改,恕不另行通知