The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場【浪漫愛火花】有獎遊戲 送你電影禮券!
The Peak Galleria 山頂廣場【浪漫愛火花】有獎遊戲 送你電影禮券!
浪漫係愛情不可或缺嘅元素!一年一度嘅情人節就嚟到,係時候重溫昔日愛火花,搵返當初怦然心動嘅感覺!立即同大家分享你最難忘的一次約會,最動人嘅分享就可以獲得 MCL 康怡戲院 2D 電影禮券兩張(名額 3 位)!
遊戲截止時間:2019 年 2 月 14 日 23:59(以 GMT + 8 香港時間為準)
得獎者將於 2019 年 2 月 28 日或之前於 inbox 收到得獎信息,並按指示於康怡廣場換領禮品。
【Romantic Spark of Love】Giveaway Free Movie Voucher!
Romance might have been one of the most important ingredients to ignite the fire of love! Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and it’s time to recount all the romantic dates you’ve experienced before! Let’s share the most unforgettable date you have ever had and explain why. The participants who give the most heart-touching answers will receive 2 MCL Grand Kornhill Cinema 2D movie vouchers (Quota: 3 sets)!
↓↓Find out the Instructions in the comment box below↓↓ ⠀⠀ Closing date and time: 23:59 on 14 Feb 2019 (Subject to GMT+8 Hong Kong Time). ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Winner list will be announced on or before 28 Feb 2019 via inbox message. Winners shall collect the prize at Kornhill Plaza accordingly. ⠀