

  1. Time Is Money
  2. Marriage Arranged by an Unborn Baby
  3. The Korean War Is Over
  4. 男男女女(一)
  5. 杯大小新解
  6. 英語作文
  7. 生命之棒
  8. a man and E.T.
  9. men and beer
  10. the thinnest book
  11. 那話兒
  12. 狗娘養的
  13. SOB
  14. 苦命的 salesman
  15. 運動世家
  16. 一個老笑話
  17. 不入虎穴焉得虎子
  18. Revealing Gift Test
  21. SEX
  23. 內情
  24. Girlfriendd開發記
  25. 黑羊與白羊
  26. 好笑的英文
  28. 全屏漢化
  29. 正面回答
  30. 禮物
  31. 內情
  32. 英文審訊
  33. MM啊!請做俺的飼養員吧!
  34. 不入虎穴焉得虎子
  35. 好笑的英文
  36. gift
  37. The Dean of Women
  38. A new guy
  39. A man and his wife
  40. sandwiches
  41. Three couples
  42. 10 Types of Computer Users
  43. Men and Women compared
  44. The Joys of Being Male
  45. Who enjoys sex more?
  46. Computer Genders
  47. Lobbying
  48. Sex Life
  49. Bar hopping
  50. Cheating
  51. Super Bowl
  52. Wedding Night Confessions
  53. The Sperm Bank
  54. In the bar
  55. Wedding day
  56. "The Fireman"
  57. Skimpy skirt
  58. Married life
  59. Numbers
  60. College
  61. Scales
  62. Hardware
  63. Lazy
  64. What got him
  65. Behind
  66. Corn
  67. Lost
  69. Night out
  70. Creation
  71. Blonde fugitive
  72. Genie II
  73. Tampons
  74. Anniversary
  75. Sliding
  76. Betty-Sue
  77. Who do I look like?
  78. "If I died"
  79. Four-time bride
  80. Sexual statistics
  81. The Gifts
  82. Enjoying sex
  83. Don`t laugh
  84. Help me Doc!
  85. Buying a present
  86. Remarried
  87. One boob
  88. Approach
  89. Christmas party
  90. Perfect gift
  91. The defendant
  92. Just like the old days
  93. After the honeymoon...
  94. Oh Lord...
  95. Portrait
  96. Last wish
  97. Photo
  98. Complaining wife
  99. Losing weight
  100. African diplomacy
  101. Different stories
  102. Kilts
  103. Dumb women...
  104. 男人笑話2
  105. 男人笑話1
  106. DEC、IBM、Basic...
  107. Girlfriendd開發記
  108. DEC、IBM、Basic...
  109. Girlfriendd開發記
  110. If Men Got Pregnant
  111. Becoming A Real Man
  112. If Men Wrote The Rules....
  113. Men In Public Rest Rooms
  114. I`m Glad I`m A Woman
  115. What Women Know About Men
  116. Women`s Favorite Jokes
  117. Women`s T-Shirt Sayings
  118. Why Coffee Is Better Than Women
  119. Some Very Bright Women
  120. Real Women
  121. The Truth About Wives
  122. Understanding Women
  123. The Creation of Woman
  124. Good Girls Vs Bad Girls
  125. I`m Glad I`m A Man
  126. A Guide To Sex For Virgins
  127. Perfect Penis
  128. My Three Daughters
  129. Bill Clinton
  130. Female Rules
  132. 全屏漢化
  133. ENGLISH
  134. 英文作文
  135. MM啊!請做俺的飼養員
  136. One girl
  137. Making puppy




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